Sunday, May 31, 2009

Michael Ignatieff: Your Choice for a Bi-Polar Prime Minister

Radio host Roy Green said this morning that he didn't believe Harper's so-called "attack ads" on Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff were attacking enough.  So he made his own attack ad.  And instead of the 30 seconds the others had, he made his 60 seconds long.

Green's attack ad opens with the music of Springsteen, "Born in the U.S.A. I was born in the U.S.A."

Then there's a clip of Ignatieff telling an audience, 

"You have to decide, 'What kind of America do you want', right?  You have to decide.  It's your country just as much as it is mine."

Then we hear "Born in the U.S.A." again.
And again Ignatieff:

"You have to decide, 'What kind of America do you want', right?  You have to decide.  It's your country just as much as it is mine."

Then there is another song with lyrics that I didn't fully hear, something about "the colour of my life". 

Then there was an Arnold Schwartzenegger clip,
"I'll be back."

The "I'll be back" joke is a bit threadbare but the rest of the attack ad got me laughing.  And I enjoyed how unapologetic Green was for putting this ad together. 


Anonymous said...

Making fun of people is so much more productive than actually debating the issues!

reliable sources said...


We are not avoiding the issues. We are drawing attention to the serious issue of Ignatieff identifying himself as an American while living his entire professional life abroad, before parachuting himself into the contest to become Prime Minister of Canada. There is nothing wrong with using a little humour to ask the question of Ignatieff, "What colour is your parachute?" Roy Green's clip showed us that it is red, white, and blue.